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06/2023 - 08/2023: Product Analytics Intern


  • Developed a Power BI dashboard to measure the KPI pacing of monthly paid subscriptions and downloads performance against budget and stretch forecasts, resulting in a 35% boost in reporting efficiency.

  • Designed a 'Triple Exponential Smoothing' framework to forecast user traffic, paid subscriptions, and conversions (accuracy of 85% over a six-month testing period).

  • Conducted a ‘Sports Competitive Audit’ to optimize conversions of Peacock’s sports landing pages and performed statistical analysis to assess the efficacy of the A/B testing recommendations (optimized conversions by 50%). 

  • Applied SQL queries within BigQuery to formulate growth product metrics for the New Paid Customers dashboard.

University of California Riverside

10/2022 - 06/2023: Data Analyst


  • Developed a web analytics tool using Google Analytics 4 (GA4) based on CAS standards to measure progress toward key departmental objectives, website success metrics, and student engagement.

  • Analyzed student sign-in datasets and implemented an event feedback analysis process, resulting in an 18% increase in event satisfaction scores over the academic year.

  • Developed a predictive model for event attendance, enabling proactive event planning and resource optimization; streamlined data entry and reporting workflows using MS Access, reducing data processing time by 30%.

  • Investigated the requirements of +150 participants through data-driven surveys and developed a Tableau dashboard to visually illustrate key achievements in student engagement over the academic year.

Alibaba Group

11/2021- 06/2022: Business Intelligence Analyst  


  • Devised a web-to-case management process by utilizing Alibaba Cloud to streamline seller claims resolution, resulting in a 30% reduction in the average claims resolution time.

  • Developed a real-time claims dashboard, resulting in a 27% increase in transparency across departments.

  • Conducted Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on 1M+ claims that reduced claim resolution time by 15% through the identification of process bottlenecks.

  • Engineered a self-service claim tracking feature, resulting in a 45% decrease in seller inquiries.

  • Responsible for taking monthly MS SQL database backups as a database administrator.

The Financial Express

10/2020 - 10/2021: Data Analyst


  • Conducted portfolio analysis of all A/B tests run across the FE’s website to develop a hypothesis to measure effectiveness which increased revenue by 11%.

  • Optimized the editorial calendar by analyzing historical readership patterns, resulting in a 20% reduction in low-performing content production.

  • Built insights over the membership lifecycle (subscriptions, user traffic, and retention) for FE.

  • Streamlined data processing pipelines using Snowflake and Python, reducing data processing time by 25%.

  • Facilitated the shift from paper-based sales to online channels, achieving a 70%+ reduction in the sales cycle.


12/2020 - 02/2021: Business Analyst Intern


  • Built Google BigQuery data pipelines with SQL for volume forecasting; created Google Looker dashboards for internal stakeholders.

  • Identified and bridged cross-functional data discrepancies using Excel and SQL; managed 30+ business stakeholders.

  • Used Oracle Analytics Cloud and SQL to provide business insights about segment data changes in the Foodpanda client repository.

  • Created a Python data dictionary to support the integration of Salesforce CRM and Quality Management System.

​Ukiyoto Publishing

11/2020 - 02/2021: â€‹Data Analyst Intern


  • Conducted market research to identify areas of improvement, analyzed the competitive landscape of Ukiyoto Publishing’s website, increased Net Promoter Score by 10%, and participated in the product’s full lifecycle (e.g. strategic product launch). 

  • Synthesized feedback and sales channels (Usability interviews, UX research, and closed feedback events) and translated business needs to develop a business strategy; presented this as technical documentation to organizational stakeholders. 

  • Collaborated with global and regional teams during requirements collection, analysis, and testing phases to support and rebrand Ukiyoto Publishing's website.

2023 â“’ by Jinnatul Raihan Mumu

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