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Claims Dashboard of Daraz

Introducing an automated reporting system for Claim management at Daraz, utilizing an interactive Excel dashboard. Analyzing the sample claims dataset, it provides insights on reimbursements, financial analysis, and future trends of claim settlements.

Problem Statement: Due to the large volume of data, manual Excel analysis was not sufficient to provide better-reporting insights. This was inefficient and slowed down the progress of Claim management at Daraz.

Proposed Solution: To solve this issue, I introduce an automated reporting system for the Claim management software project. This is an interactive dashboard prepared in Excel using slicers, timelines, and PivotCharts. I used the sample claims dataset of Daraz to answer all the issues related to reimbursements, and financial analysis, and show the future trends of claim settlements.

Project Details Summary

Technical Skills

Slicers, Timelines, Pivot Tables, and Pivot Charts in Microsoft Excel

Developed For

Daraz (Alibaba Group)

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