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Food-delivery app for Female Students of IUT

This project addressed the regulation-related constraint faced by female students at IUT by automating food delivery from the campus store, CDS. This project not only resolved the predicament for female students but also improved the ordering process efficiency by 42%, leading to its continued development by the ICT department at IUT.

Problem Statement: Due to a regulation-related issue, female students at IUT couldn't get out of their dormitory at night to buy food from the campus store (named CDS).

Proposed Solution: To solve this issue, I automated the delivery process for CDS and introduced an online-based food ordering system that takes orders and stores data in MongoDB. It automatically tracks the number of orders and payments done by female students. This mini-project helped solve the dilemma of female students, increased the ordering process efficiency by 42%, and was further developed by the ICT department at IUT.

Project Details Summary

Technical Skills

MongoDB, NoSQL, and JSON

Developed For

Islamic University of Technology

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