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Peacock Product Marketing Forecasting KPI Dashboard

Product Marketing Forecasting KPI Dashboard is developed using Microsoft Fabric (Power BI) for internal pacing reporting purpose.

Problem Statement: The Product Marketing team lacks an efficient and comprehensive system to monitor and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs) against forecasts, hindering their ability to make informed data-driven decisions. Existing reporting processes are time-consuming and lack accuracy due to disconnected data sources and manual forecasting methods. The absence of a centralized dashboard makes it difficult to gain real-time insights, impacting the team's ability to identify trends and take proactive measures to achieve targets.

Solution: ProMaFore - Product Marketing Forecasting KPI Dashboard. The ProMaFore dashboard is a powerful internal reporting tool developed using Power BI, designed specifically for the Product Marketing team. It aims to provide a holistic view of KPI performance in relation to forecasts, empowering the team to make data-driven decisions effectively. The implementation of ProMaFore resulted in a remarkable 35% boost in reporting efficiency for the Product Marketing team.

Key Features:

  • Real-time Data Integration: ProMaFore integrates actuals data from Tableau's NPC Dashboard and combines it with forecasted data generated using the Triple Exponential Smoothing framework. This ensures that the dashboard reflects the most up-to-date information.

  • Comprehensive KPI Tracking: The dashboard offers a detailed overview of various KPIs such as total downloads, pageviews, conversion rates, and more. Users can compare actual performance against forecasted values to identify any deviations.

  • Forecasting Framework: The Triple Exponential Smoothing framework is employed to generate accurate forecasted data. This technique takes into account historical patterns, seasonality, and trends, resulting in reliable predictions for future KPI performance.

  • Pacing Analysis: ProMaFore enables pacing analysis, highlighting whether the team is on track to meet targets. Users can identify early warning signs of underperformance or overachievement, allowing them to adjust strategies accordingly.

  • User-friendly Interface: The intuitive interface of ProMaFore requires minimal training. Its user-friendly design allows both technical and non-technical users to extract insights effortlessly.

Project Details Summary

Technical Skills

Power BI, SQL, and Forecasting

Developed For

Peacock (NBCUniversal)

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